Sunday, August 24, 2008


So here they are ... my little land hunters! No, I did not make them wear overalls...they insisted. We have come up empty handed in our search and have begun to count our blessing instead of our "captured prey". Hopefully, we will be happy where ever we are!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Last days of SUMMER

Here are few pictures of our last "Stay Home Days". We played and played and played. Jax said he was at work. Maddox and this bunny are starting to look alike. The lego creation is a car repair shop. Notice the stacks of tires and tools. And the BABY! The said the car man brought his little boy to work. HA HA HA

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A breakfast and picture date

We met Raynell and Rex for coffee and breakfast and photo ops in Cajun Country! What a feast of photo spots and wildlife!! Hope we can go back with our cousins soon!